About Sesame Acoustics

Over the past decade, acoustics has undergone a revolution, with the price of sensors and on-board systems coming down, the power of sound analysis and calculation increasing, and the ease with which alerts can be broadcast via radio connectivity. The challenge is no longer the acoustic sensor, but the interpretation of sound.

Sesame Acoustics was born in 2022 out of this rationale. Our aim is to take this technological revolution wherever it can flourish, for effective monitoring in the most common to the most demanding applications. Our ambition is to design and implement a solution adapted to each project, each need, each sound.

Sesame Acoustics is a team of PhDs and Engineers with 30 years’ experience of technological innovation at the highest level in acoustic monitoring and physical acoustics: algorithmic processing, AI, demanding measurements, system design, numerical simulations, expertise and services.

We are :

  • Member of the French Acoustics Society (SFA)
  • Member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
  • Member of an international group of researchers on acoustic monitoring in complex outdoor environments