Your sector

Our solutions offer a remarkable versatility, with applications in diverse fields: industrial sector, urban and natural environments, sensitive sites, contested areas, etc.

Surveillance des process industriels Sesame Acoustics

Industrial process monitoring

In industrial activities, our solutions enable early detection of faults by monitoring normal / abnormal sounds emitted by machines and processes. This proactive monitoring reduces unplanned downtime, and improves operational reliability. Our solution is calibrated to your use case, and your sounds.

Example of use: Consolidating existing “golden ear” expertise.

Sesame Acoustics contrôle des pollutions sonores

Noise pollution control

Many areas are subject to noise nuisance: machine noise, transport noise, neighborhood noise, noise pollution. Our solutions enable you to monitor noise over time, to qualify the responsibility/recurrence/severity of emissions, and to detect disturbances in real time, so you can intervene more rapidly.

Example: Qualify the acoustics of an environment (housing, industrial site, nature park).

Surveillance des sites sensible par Sesame Acoustics

Surveillance of sensitive sites

Our solutions can be deployed to help detect suspicious or illicit activity in sensitive perimeters. In particular, acoustics can be used to identify and report sound anomalies in real time, to improve the effectiveness of the response.

Examples: intrusion into a guarded area, poaching or logging in a nature park, gold panning.

Protection et localisation de tir Sesame Acoustics

Shooting protection and location

Our solutions are capable of capturing and processing acoustic signals from gunshots, to alert on the occurrence of a shot, and locate the origin of the shot. The real-time, collaborative behavior of the solution ensures effective protection of the area or platforms equipped. The solution can be used in real-life situations and for training purposes.

Suivi des écosystèmes et des animaux Sesame Acoustics

Ecosystem and animal monitoring

Acoustic monitoring is used to monitor and preserve ecosystems. It makes it possible to estimate the presence, density and behavior of animals, thanks to the sounds they emit.

Example: detecting the presence of pests, monitoring the evolution of a population in an ecosystem, in a way that is neither intrusive nor disruptive to the habitat.

Surveillance dans l'environnement Sesame Acoustics

Monitoring in /of the environment

Waves (acoustic, but also optical or electromagnetic) are altered by their propagation in the environment: atmosphere, ground, obstacles. These alterations disrupt the performance of many systems, including radar, GPS, lidar, imaging and satellite communications. Conversely, the environment can be characterized by these disturbances. Talk to us and benefit from our world-class expertise in these areas.

Examples: sensor placement optimization, weather-related sound variations, optical scintillation.